
Drager Narkomed GS

Ref : 2515498-14-W
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Drager Narkomed
Model : GS
Year(s) : -
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:

AV2 Plus Ventilator
2 to 3 gas vaporizer configurations
19.1 vaporizers
Monitor with a three tire alarm system for critical events
Fresh gas system, cylinder yokes, bayberry back-up and O2 flush

Four display options with integrated monitor controls: 15” or 17” high resolution color video display and 10.4” or 15” flat panel color LCD display.
Or large 17” color CRT display.
User configurable display layout and colors.
Support for up to 8 waveforms on screen.
Support for user configurable second and third screen with different waveform
and numerical information.
Anesthesia dedicated alarm system.
Alarms display and adjustment page.
10-minute graphical mini trends referenced to set alarm limits.
Automatic alarm limits function.
Six user configurable modes and special cardiac bypass mode.
24 hour numerical and graphical trends.
Split screen capability to show ST, spirometry loop, EEG, EP or mini trends permanently.
Four user-configurable graphical trend pages.
Trend cursor in both graphical and numerical trends.
Waveform snapshots to store and recall waveform samples.
Help function.
On-line help for menu functions.
Open software and hardware architecture.
Easy insertion/removal of plug-in parameter modules without interrupting other monitoring.
Anesthesia care oriented user interface.
Optional extended arrhythmia analysis.
Connector for Datex-Ohmeda S/5™ Device Interfacing Solution.
Anesthesia specific command bar for intuitive access to the monitoring functions.
Removable command bar brings monitor controls close to the user.
Frame with additional module slots.
Moves patient cables close to the patient.
Single cable connects the Extension Frame to the s/5 anesthesia Monitor’s Central Unit.
Reduces patient cable clutter.
Mounts to any vertical or horizontal pole.

Other machines similar to Drager Narkomed GS

Location : EUROPE (Central and Eastern)
Year(s) : 2018
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) : 2010, 2012
Location : EUROPE (Central and Eastern)
Location : EUROPE (Central and Eastern)
Year(s) : 2003