

Ref : 1881649-14-W
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Grass
Model : -
Year(s) : -
Quantity : 0
Location : Seller or machines location:
AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Last check : 21 Sep. 2018

Grass AURA Ambulatory EEG System - Certified Pre-Owned

The Grass AURA Ambulatory EEG System is in excellent condition and certified by MFI Medical to proper operating specifications.
The AURA (Ambulatory Universal Recording Amplifier) amplifier system has a front-end sampling rate of 400 Hz (record 200 or 400 Hz, user definable). The electrode input jack box provides 32 AC inputs, two reference inputs, and two ground inputs. The redundant references and grounds provide reliability and signal integrity during long-term monitoring procedures.

The 42-channel system has the capability of recording data directly to a PC or can be untethered for temporary ambulatory recordings.

AURA is typically tethered to the base station, which streams data to a host computer running TWin. However, AURA is also capable of operating untethered. When the patient cable is disconnected, AURA will automatically switch and record the EEG data to a CompactFlash (CF) memory card. If there is an immediate need to download and review the data stored on the CompactFlash memory card, the CF can be removed from AURA and the data can be downloaded quickly via a USB CompactFlash Reader.

With AURA, the patient can move from their patient room to a day room. When the patient arrives at the day room, AURA simply needs to be plugged into any base station located in that room. The TWin recording software will recognize that the patient has switched to a new base station, and tethered recording will resume. An automatic room switching option is available to also switch the video and audio from the patient room to a dayroom.

An 8-channel DC input module and optional pulse oximeter (SpO2/HR) allow for an additional 10 channels of data. This flexibility allows for a wide range of physiological parameters to be monitored and recorded. An optional external battery pack is available to enable recording of 24-hour ambulatory EEG studies. The technologist can check electrode impedances, perform amplifier calibration, and control the photic from the Base Station.

Grass AURA Ambulatory EEG System Features

High quality EEG amplifier with excellent trace clarity.
High resolution, high quality digital video and audio recordings.
On-line SzAC seizure and spike analysis software.
Review timeline for fast navigation and editing of LTM recordings.
Real-time video/EEG monitoring over the network.
Built-in Panorama digital video with MPEG4 compression for 640 x 480 NTSC (768 x 576 PAL) resolution.

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Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) : 2013
Location : AMERICA North (USA-Canada-Mexico)