
Used Looms (projectile)

142 results

You can find used Looms (projectile) on Wotol

The main manufacturers of Looms (projectile) are Sulzer and Stb.
The main models are TX11, PU, P7100, P7150, P7200, P7300, etc

HS code 8446 - Weaving machines (looms)
HS code 8446 30 00 - For weaving fabrics of a width exceeding 30 cm, shuttleless type 

Projectile weaving is one of the technology for weaving with that was developped in 1950.

It is still widely used for any types of fabric and is getting quite poupular for some wide width technical fabrics.

With projectile looms the weft yarn is carried through the warp with some metal or carbon clamp projectiles.

projectile catches the the weft yarn it is  with a small gripper and crosses the warp.

The it falls and is collected by a conveyor that brings it back to the starting point.

Most known projectile looms manufacturer is Sulzer from Swiss.

On the used projectile looms market you can still find old Sulzer TW11 models from the 70s that are still exchanged, used Sulzer PU from the 80s, Sulzer P7100 from the 90s, alsoSulzer P7150 and Sulzer P7200.

You can find Sulzer P7300 expecially in very wide version (213 inches or 540cm).

There are also few looms made in the former Soviel Union by STB projectile looms that you will find in easter European countries or Russia.

FAQ from members about projectils looms

I need projectile loom wider than 213 inches? Does it exist?
Maybe Sulzer is making it as special order. We have seen some years ago some used Sulzer TW projectile looms in 7 meters wide.

These machines have been modified by a workshop that has assembled two used Sulzer TW11 looms together?

Where can I find used projectile looms in Europe?
There are almost no more user of Sulezr projectile looms in Europe of greige fabric.

They have all switched to rapier or airjet looms.

Most of Sulzer projectile looms users in Europe are producing technical fabric and they usually dont sell them.

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