
Used Wet Bench

33 results

You can find used  Wet Bench on Wotol

The main manufacturers of Wet Bench are Semitool, ClassOne, DNS, Wafab, FSI, Hytek Plastic, JST, Leatherwood, Verteq, Adixen, Asymtek, BPS, CME, Ivy, LabLine, Plastic Design, PVA, Rena, Santa Clara, Semifab, SEZ,Technics,Terra Universal, Universal,VG

The main model Raider, APR4300, 398, HT-1B-72-N, HT-4B72-NJST Acid, 550, C-341, LPJ333.SS.ADFTX, LPD333.FR4.FT, RST-201-J(WET), 8ft, 96 (dual 48), 6 Ft Polypro Series, SS-80BW-AR, WS-820L, 1510, DF 800A, 7ft, WPS-700, FA36SST

HS Code 8486 20 00  for we chemical station - inorganic wet chemical bench and organic wet bench along with acessories.
HS Code 8486 Machines and apparatus of a kind used solely or principally for the manufacture of semiconductor boules or wafers, semiconductor devices, electronic integrated circuits or flat panel displays; machines and apparatus specified in Note 9 (C) to this Chapter; parts and accessories. 

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