
Rilecart TP 340

Ref : 2605800-4-AW
Condition : Used
Manufacturer : Rilecart
Model : TP 340
Year(s) : 2011
Quantity : 1
Location : Seller or machines location:
ASIA (South)

The simplest and quickest semiautomatic Rilecart binding machine, especially for digital printers and copy centres.
Can process any kind of product including books, catalogues and pads except for calendars.
It even handles item of unusual shape.
It is speedy, compact and mounted on wheels.
It is fully electrically operated (no compressed air required).
All adjustments are achieved quickly by adjusting hand grips and by setting the computer.
No screwdrivers or spanners are necessary.
The perfect machine for short runs.

1. Uses wires on spools.
2. Using all diameters in the pitches 3:1” and 2:1” from 1/4” to 1”. Fully electric (no pneumatics required).
3. Closing adjustments by means of re-input of computer parameters and adjustment of dials.
4. Integrated waste-paper collector.
5. Adjustable transport chain speed (very useful when binding unusual products!).
6. Max. binding size (mm): 360 (Length) X 300 (Width). Min. binding size (mm): 50 (Length) X 80 (Width).
7. Maximum speed: 1000 cycles per hour.
Effective speed depends on operator’s ability and the features of the item to bind.
Optional: delivery conveyor.

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Location : EUROPE (Western and Northern)
Year(s) : 2014
Location : OCEANIA
Year(s) : 0
Location : EUROPE (Central and Eastern)
Location : EUROPE (Central and Eastern)